Brian K. Wilcox, a vowed Contemplative in the Christian tradition, and Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer, offers an interspiritual work focusing on cultivating the Heart of Compassion. His book of mystical Love poetry is An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love. Brian integrates wisdom from the major spiritual Paths. May you always know that you are blessed!
All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*Thunder and Silence, Carlos Gotay Martinez, Flickr
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Christianity is a religion of the Word. The Word is Love. But we sometimes forget that the Word emerges first of all from silence. When there is no silence, then the One Word which God speaks is not truly heard as Love. Then only words are heard. Words are not love, for they are many and Love is One. Where there are many words, we lose consciousness of the fact that there is really only One Word. The One Word which God speaks is Himself. Speaking, He manifests Himself as infinite Love.
*Thomas Merton, Love and Living
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movement arises out of stillness speech out of silence every-thing out of no-thing
Creation happen-ing a happen-ing
Christ That within mov-ing be-coming be-ing
Christ That Itself immanent, dynamic, evolutionary, alive
Word be-coming flesh God God-ing Love Lov-ing
Prayer then is more than something we do at times rather without beginning or end
Prayer is reverential participation in the intimacy of Life liv-ing Itself
Silence the womb of prayers not merely an absence fullness alive, filled and ever-fill-ing
Why? Who knows?
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*Meditation, Grzegorz Formicki, Flickr
Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*You are welcome to contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .
The presentations at this site cover a long time period. Each one represents part of an on-going Pilgrimage, and the writer's ideas, practices, and experience have changed over time. This change is the quality of any living Journey. Please read with this in mind, allowing the inner Teacher to speak to you as you need at this particular time in your own living Journey. Thanks!